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Sunday, 15 August 2010

A fight to the death with the dog

I've been poorly - a serious and difficult case of the black dog. And I lost my blogging mojo - well I lost my everything mojo to be honest. It's been a very difficult few weeks but thank God I'm through it now. So just to prove I'm back on track here I am working on tea dress number 2. Thanks for bearing with me...


  1. Hi Charlie! Lovely blog and you are can create and sew dresses! How wonderful :) I can make little things and stuff for the house but I've never tried making some clothes although I'd love to! Silly enough, I am kinda of too scared to make mistakes (!)... must give it a go! :D [PS - I've sent you an email about the bike...] LC xoxo

  2. Sorry you were going through a tough spell earlier this summer. I totally understand what it's like to "lose your everything mojo." You've got a huge smile on your face in your Goodwood Revival post - glad to see it there!
    - Susan
